Pro Engagement Photo Tips For Capturing Stunning Photos

Getting engaged is a huge milestone in your life and it’s only right and proper that you’ll want to capture the excitement of this in photographs. Sadly, many people don’t have the cash to pay for a professional photoshoot so, in this article, we’re sharing some pro engagement photo tips capturing stunning photos. 

Put a ring on it – and make some memories

engagement photo tips

After getting engaged, a lot of couples like to take a series of photographs to capture this very special moment and, while some choose to hire a professional photographer, others prefer to take on this project themselves. Although doing this yourself saves cash, many find themselves disappointed with the results so, in this section, we’re asking the pros to share some great tips: 

A little help from your friends

When it comes to taking great photos, three is definitely not a crowd. Although it is, of course, possible to take ‘selfies’ using your mobile phone (including your phone’s timer feature), this rarely results in the most professional looking pictures (and you usually have to have several attempts to get snaps that you’re happy with. 

For the best results, ask a friend or family member to take the photographs for you – as this may take some time and might involve travel, you can spin this as providing a service for you in lieu of an engagement gift!

Device and settings

If you have an expensive fancy pants camera then this will obviously be your best bet for your engagement photos. However, don’t worry if you don’t have high end equipment as, in most cases, you will be able to get some really impressive photos with your Smartphone or even in a photobooth

If you want your engagement photographs to have that professional touch, we’ll let you into a little secret from the pros – get to know your phone’s camera settings! Each phone has different settings and features for the camera and so you should set aside some time to get to know what these are and what they do so that you can choose the perfect settings for your engagement shoot. 

Timing is everything

One of the best engagement photos tips we can share is that of timing or, more specifically, time of day. 

Most professional photographers agree that Golden Hour is the absolute optimum time for romantic shots such as engagement photographs. Golden Hour is the term used for the short(ish) period just after sunrise and just before sunset and, what’s special about this is that the light takes on a gentle and warm hue. This is important for engagement photographs as this type of light is not only uber-flattering but also gives your photographs a beautiful atmospheric vibe. 

Location, location, location

By their very nature, engagement photographs are supposed to be intimate and, for this reason, it’s very important to choose your location carefully. While a city street might make for a fantastic natural shot, there are likely to be other people around – and the same goes for a beach or a park. It’s therefore a good idea to try to pick a time for your shoot when your location will be less busy – otherwise you’ll end up spending hours editing complete strangers out of your precious pictures! 

Dress to impress

When thinking about what to wear for your engagement photoshoot, less is most definitely more. Too-busy patterns or a colour clash between yourself and your partner can ruin your photographs and detract from what should be a beautiful moment. 

Where possible, coordinate with your partner in order to avoid any clashes and consider a solid colour scheme to make your photos pop – white is a fantastic shade for your engagement pics and this will look particularly stunning if you are planning on taking some black and white photographs. 

Strike a pose

Unless you’re a supermodel, you’ve probably never put too much thought into the way that you pose for a photograph but, trust us, your pose matters. When thinking about poses for your engagement pictures, there are a few things to keep in mind – 

  • Keep it natural – a rigid posed photo will rarely scream ‘in love’
  • Have fun – rather than having set poses, many photographers recommend that you do a little dance or wiggle. While this may sound odd, it’s a great way of getting some fantastic natural looking candid shots
  • Stay close – you will almost certainly want a couple of close up shots for your engagement album and, while this can seem a little daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Practice beforehand to figure out your best side and, during your shoot, tilt your chin up slightly and position your head slightly to the side for the most flattering shot

A helping hand

With the best will in the world, some of your photographs might not completely fill you with joy – but don’t panic. These days, there are some fantastic photo editing sites and apps out there – many of which are free to use. Sites like Canva will help you to edit your pictures quickly and easily; even if you’re an absolute beginner at using these. 

A picture paints a thousand words

Putting together a great engagement album takes a bit of planning but it will absolutely be worth it. By paying attention to your location, the time of day and your outfits, you can make sure that your engagement pics will be hugely ‘Grammable while providing a lasting memory of this special occasion.